
Showing posts from August, 2017

Password family !!! Simple solution for password management.

Passwords are the weakest and most popular factor of authentication to access websites and systems. Now a day all systems demand specific criteria to set the password, for example, the password complexity which it should include capital letters, small letters, special characters, and numbers. Also, it should be expired after a specific period of time for example 60 or 90 days. Moreover, using the password history to avoid using password already used. And more criteria that make the user life difficult with passwords. These rules and restrictions make the users abusing the password. For example, by using the same password in all accounts belong to them. Writing the password somewhere so they can come back for it when they need it. In that way, they make the job of the attacker much easier to hack their accounts and by hacking one password they will have access to all your accounts.  How to hack the password? different techniques available. The most effective techni